Jardini Arowana

Jardini Arowana
Red Tail Golden Arowana

Monday, February 22, 2016

Betta Collection part 2

So here's part of my Bettas collection! I really love them, and I also trying to breeding them! With this many, I hope I can achieve the goal. So rather than got too much talking, let's go into the videos and enjoy the Bettas :D

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Betta Vlog 03

The little fry is already out! Cute little bugger! Still in standing positions so I keep the father in there for taking care them. I already put the mother out of there cause we already now that the mother will eat the fry.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Betta Vlog 02 plus: Betta Breeding

The breeding ritual . . . YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!!!!!!!!!!

Betta Vlog 02

So I'm ready to do some breeding for my Betta as I laready put the female and the male together in one Aquarium. Just hope they will do some "ritual" in there and I can't wait to see it! :D

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

3 Juvenile Channa Andrao are in Eating time. Eating FBW!

Feeding the Juveniles :3 In hal of the video, I accidentally hit the Aquarium that make the fish become alert by it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Playful 3 juvenile Channa Andrao

Just recording 3 Channa Andrao Juvenile playing with each other :3.

Channa Andrao The Dwarf Snakehead

Got my Channa Andrao! I lost my Lucius because of the darn Crayfish, now I got a new one! I just hope I can do this cause I really want Channa that's all. Anyway, this Channa Andrao has been breed locally, so it's not that expensive, but it's not that cheaper also. But to think it can be breed locally means we don't have to import it again! I hope I can breed them also! Oh btw, it's still Juvenile and the size for now is 4cm.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Betta Collection part 1

I kinda start to collect some betta and decided to do some breeding with them. So , here's my collection of the Bettas. Including the female :-)