Why do I say this? Is there a reason why I write the theme like this? Is it really important to people to read what I'm gonna write about? For you some people, yes it might waste your times. But for us Aquarium Hobbies, it's an important matters to us.
Red Eye Red Tail Puffer Fish. Cute little bugger. Having them for 2 years. |
I was watching some YouTube video when suddenly, one of the YouTube video show that the youtubers (The one who filming and do the talk and the uploading) rejecting some costumer to buy a fish from his store. Now, in term of the business, this is a bad choice. Why? For them, costumers are the king from their Point of View, and they willing to give some fish or valuable to them without thinking what the consequences are. But in the point of view of fish lovers and the clerk store are loving their fish, this is acceptable and of course I will support them if they don't wanna sell their fish to them. The reasons? The costumers do not intended to care the fish nor loving them.
Hoplo Catfish, one of my oldest catfish I ever had. 3 years and counting. |
One point that I need to say in here. Fish are not a thing, you don't own them, you not their master, you are their caretaker. Owning means you own thing that not living like a phone, a laptop, a figure, and other thing that usually we used. Master means you own them and expect a return as a favors. If you remember the Dolphins who been used as a circus entertainment, that's what master definition means. You are not one of them. What the fish need is a caretaker, and that's what we are. The same as a dog, the same as a cat, the same as a birds.
Dwarf Rainbowfish |
Why am I'm saying this? Some people do really think that fish doesn't have feeling even though they are alive, they think taking care the fish is easy as flipping your egg from your pans, and it's only a fish. They are wrong. Like I said, they are living things, they can breathe and move like us, and they of course have some feeling on them. They can be stress, they can be happy, they can be sulky, all of it can be seen through their body, their movements, and their colors. And also, who doesn't like to see fish who so energetic they always swim a lot. It's a stress reliever if you see them swimming happily. So if you not taking care of them, for what then?
Beta Fish Dragon Scale. Lovely fella. |
Fish is magnificent living things. From their behaviors, their colors, their looks, even my aunt fascinate by Rasbora Galaxy as how tiny they are compare to the other fish. People usually want this fish and taking care of them are the most top priority for all for their health and their happy face. Be it they are saltwater fish or freshwater fish. Because if you don't taking care of them, they may die fast or got sick easily. So people, please do not buy the fish if you don't wanna care for them. If you can''t, don't.